Not Yet a Member?
Here's How it Works
- Register your new Spencer’s eScrip Community Card for use in the program.
- Spencer’s and other participating merchants will make contributions to your chosen group, based on purchases made by you, just by using the cards you have registered.
- Your purchases create automatic contributions.
- Personal reports available online.
It’s that easy, sign up today!
Already an eScrip Family?
If you are already registered with the eScrip program all you need to do is call to activate your new Spencer’s eScrip Community Card to earns your contributions:
Call (800) 931-6258
6:00 am to 5:00 pm, PST, Monday-Friday
You can also sign in to “my eScrip” to activate your new community card and to register additional credit/debit cards to maximize your contributions 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Contact eScrip