Glen Ellen Village Market

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Raise money for your organization with Glen Ellen Village Market

Dear Coordinator:

Glen Ellen Village Market has partnered with eScrip to provide easy fundraising for every family or individual that wishes to support your school or nonprofit organization with the Community Card.

You families pick up their community card, available from Glen Ellen Village Market - the same form they fill out to get their card will get them registered with eScrip (you can give a flyer to take to the store...personalize it with your organization's name). They'll earn up to 5% of the monthly purchase amount for your organization by presenting the cashier with their Community Card (or phone number) each time they check out.

What to do:

Thanks to the participation of eScrip merchants, parents, the community and especially you as the fundraising coordinator, more than $450 million has been raised for over 45,000 organizations!

Get all the tools you need in the coordinator toolkit including Power Registration.


About eScrip

eScrip partners with generous merchants like Glen Ellen Village Market help our schools & communities.